A place for writers to get together for feedback and support.
Register to access.
- Make a new group or join one that you resonate with.
- Convenient settings page to handle your peronal information, log in, and create / manage your groups and projects.
- Easy to use formatting tools for your writing. Examples: italics, underline, blockquote, bold, font size, left / right / center justify, deleted text, inserted text.
- Share to people you would like to join your group.
- The originator of the group can create projects and delete individuals that violate your intents.
- The webmaster can delete groups that promote inappropriate material.
- Share manuscripts, poems, recipes, pictures etc.
- Great for internet writing classes.
- Anyone in your group can leave notes on your submission.
- Easy and free (but a donation would be appreciated).
Please visit any of our family of websites.